[SEMU-YÉOL LECTURE] 2018 March - A Journey through Korean Art & Beauty작성일 2018-02-12
A Journey through Korean Art & Beauty
Lecturer: Mark Tetto
Partner of TCK Investment Management & Vice President of Young YÉOL
Starting with Korean traditional architecture (hanok) and moving on through Korean traditional and modern art, Mark Tetto will discuss some of the essentials of Korean beauty and aesthetics, as seen from a foreigner’s perspective. “I had traveled to Korea a few times before, and there was always something about the culture that resonated with me.
There is a certain passion for life here, and the full range of human experience, relationships and emotion.
Many Koreans feel they share this aspect of culture with Italians - and perhaps it's no coincidence that I felt at home here,
since my parents are from Italy and I grew up with Italian culture.
When I eventually came to live and work in Korea, I was also amazed by the incredible work ethic and commitment to winning in the global economic arena.
People here are generating new ideas, effecting rapid change, and looking to do big, impactful things in the world.”
-Tetto’s interview (by M. Fennell, Asia Society Korea Center)

Mark Tetto is a partner at TCK Investment Management and has lived in Korea for 8 years, currently residing in a traditional Korean hanok in Bukchon Village. In addition to his appearances on the tv show “Abnornal Summit,” Mark conducts a popular interview series each month in which he interviews prominent Korean artists, discussing and introducing their works. These artists and their works, as well as hanok, form the basis of our discussion about Korean aesthetics and beauty.
Education Room (1st floor), Seoul Museum of History
55 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Date and Time
March 5th, 2018 (Mon)
11:30 A.M. to 13:00 P.M
No Admission Fee.
Contact (Registration required)
Email: info@yeol.org
T: 02-745-5878
F: 02-736-5878