[SEMU-YÉOL LECTURE] 2018 April / Understanding Seoul- Seeing Our City with Different Eyes작성일 2018-03-13
Understanding Seoul- Seeing Our City with Different Eyes Lecturer: Daniel Taendler
Architect, Co-director of urban detail. Seoul
This lecture will shed light on Seoul as a metropolis that has made tremendous improvements to the urban environment, which has garnered international interest and recognition in recent years, as well as on how the city can develop further in the future without losing its unique heritage and character.
It is clear that the task of making improvements to such old neighborhoods that require modernization will not be easy. However, the success of recent projects demonstrates that alternative solutions which avoid complete destruction and redevelopment should not only be considered as a secondary option but perhaps as the favored approach.
Daniel Taendler will give an overview of the different types of neighborhoods in Seoul and provide the audience with information that will help them see their city in a different light. 
Daniel Taendler was born in Kassel, Germany as the second son of a German father and a Korean mother who was among the group of Korean nurses seconded to Germany in the 60’s and 70’s. He studied architecture and urban planning at the technical university RWTH in Aachen, Germany and worked at a Korean local architecture firm called Guga for several years before co-founding urban detail. Seoul with a former colleague, Jihee Choi. While Taendler works with both traditional and modern architecture, the renovation and planning of “hanok,” the Korean traditional architecture, is his main field of work and interest. Due to his educational background in the field, urban planning and city structures have been his personal area of interest for many years and were also the focus of several other lectures he has given in the past.
Education Room (1st floor), Seoul Museum of History
55 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Date and Time
April 2nd, 2018 (Mon)
11:30 A.M. to 13:00 P.M
No Admission Fee.
Contact (Registration required)
Email: info@yeol.org
T: 02-745-5878
F: 02-736-5878